Stream Management Plans
This page contains the stream management plans that have been created in the Catskill region.
Purpose of Stream Management Plans
Streams Management Plans provide a comprehensive review of stream characteristics, data, maps and recommended management strategies. Management strategies consist of measures to individually and collectively reduce the risks of living along Catskill streams, improve the ecology of the stream and floodplain, while protecting the stream’s many resource values. Ultimately, the plans are meant to assist watershed municipalities and residents in planning for a sustainable future for their property, infrastructure, water and biological resources. Ensuring the health of the watershed’s environmental resources will also help to secure a future of prosperous economic growth and a good quality of life for watershed residents.
Getting involved in Stream Management process
Throughout the development, adoption and implementation of these plans there are many opportunities for public involvement. These include:
attending public meetings,
participating in focus group discussions,
reviewing descriptions of stream areas you know well,
becoming familiar with plan contents,
assisting on working groups,
participating in workshops and activities like stream clean-ups or streamside plantings,
supporting town adoption of stream management plans, and
communicating interest in implementing plan recommendation.

Stream Management Plans
To learn more about what adoption of a stream management plan entails, please click here. We also have a sample of a memorandum of understanding between a town and Soil and Water Conservation District to illustrate how a town could move forward with plan implementation. Finally, we've provided the stream stewardship principles that guide implementation. Below are links to completed stream management plans:
Schoharie Basin
Esopus Basin (Ashokan Basin)
West Branch of the Delaware River (Cannonsville Basin)
East Branch of the Delaware River (Pepacton Basin)
Rondout Basin
Neversink Basin
Neversink River – To be completed soon, please check back |
Stream Restoration Projects
Click here for a map of the stream restoration projects completed through 12/2009 in the NYC Watershed West-of-Hudson Basin.
Click here for a map of stream restoration projects that were active in 2009.
Click here for a map of riparian buffer restoration projects as of December 31, 2009.