The West Branch Delaware Basin Project Summary provides information on the primary full channel stream restoration, riparian buffer restoration, stormwater and infrastructure, streambank stabilization, post-flood response and floodplain restoration projects that have been completed since 1999 as part of the Delaware Watershed Stream Management Program. Stream projects were constructed to meet multiple objectives including: water quality enhancement, infrastructure protection, improved flood conveyance and sediment transport, improved fish habitat, improved riparian functions and to demonstrate natural channel design. These projects constitute only one component of the NYC Department of Environmental Protection and Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District’s stream management program.
Please contact Graydon Dutcher at 607-865-7161 or for more information.
West Branch Delaware Watershed: Featured Projects
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West Branch Delaware River Watershed: Projects and Programs
Basin | Project Name | Other Name | SubBasin | County | Municipality | Project Type | Project Sponsor | Lead Agency | DEP Fund | Match Fund | DEMONSTRAT | DESCRIPTIO | Status | Year Complete | YEAR_INITI | Total Cost | DEP Cost | Length (Feet) | Area (Acres) |
Cannonsville | Delaware WB, Town Brook, Palmatier Farm | Town Brook | Delaware | Town of Stamford | Full Channel Restoration | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | Yes | Completed | 2007 | 0 | $51,170 | $24,610 | 100 | 0.2 | |||
Cannonsville | Delaware WB, Town Brook, Post Farm | Town Brook | Delaware | Town of Stamford | Full Channel Restoration | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | EPF-NPS | Yes | Completed | 2004 | 0 | $226,260 | $56,837 | 1200 | 2.3 | ||
Cannonsville | Delaware WB, Trout Creek, Loewentheil Farm | Trout Creek_Can | Delaware | Town of Tompkins | Full Channel Restoration | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | EPF-NPS | Yes | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $115,305 | $47,401 | 1400 | 4.5 | ||
Cannonsville | Delaware WB, Wright Brook, Rama Farm | Wright Brook | Delaware | Town of Kortright | Full Channel Restoration | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | EPF-PPG | Yes | Completed | 2007 | 0 | $91,254 | $31,927 | 1100 | 1.75 | ||
Cannonsville | East Brook, County Rt 22 | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Full Channel Restoration | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | FEMA | No | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $336,631 | $5,650 | 900 | 0.6 | ||
Cannonsville | East Brook, CT RT 22 Phase II | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Full Channel Restoration | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Stack Rock Wall | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $143,500 | $35,875 | 1050 | 3.25 | |
Cannonsville | West Branch Delaware River, More Property | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Full Channel Restoration | Town of Hamden | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | J-hook vanes | Planned | 2012 | $441,856 | $110,464 | 1000 | 8.5 | ||
Cannonsville | Beers Brook Bank Stabilization #1 | Beers Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Bank Failure | Planned | 0 | $27,200 | ||||||
Cannonsville | Beers Brook Bank Stabilization #2 | Beers Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Bank Failure | Planned | 0 | $14,400 | ||||||
Cannonsville | Bovina Highway Bank Stabilization | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Bovina | Streambank Stabilization | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Grant | DEP | No | Bank erosion, SMIP, sought EWP -denied | Planned | 2011 | $138,672 | |||||
Cannonsville | Chamberlain Brook | Chamberlain Brook | Delaware | Town of Tompkins | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Tompkins | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Stack Rock Wall | Completed | 2012 | 2012 | $27,222 | $6,806 | 40 | 0.11 | |
Cannonsville | Chambers Hollow Bank Stabilization | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Hamden | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Bank Failure | Planned | 0 | $23,550 | ||||||
Cannonsville | East Brook, Phoenix Farm | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Hamden | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Riprap | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $74,500 | $18,625 | 125 | 0.11 | |
Cannonsville | Frisbee Farm CREP Bank Stabilization | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Streambank Stabilization | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | DEP | No | Log toe wood revetment of eroding bank | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $29,500 | $29,500 | 300 | 0.28 | |
Cannonsville | Holmes Hollow | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Hamden | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Stack Rock Wall | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $28,951 | $7,238 | 80 | 0.1 | |
Cannonsville | Launt Hollow | Launt Hollow | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Hamden | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Stack Rock Wall | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $19,924 | $4,981 | 125 | 0.1 | |
Cannonsville | Little Delaware, Thompson Cross Rd. | Little Delaware | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Delhi | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | J-hook vanes | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $89,832 | $26,958 | 350 | 0.5 | |
Cannonsville | Marvin Hollow, DSR-D-TW-03 | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Walton | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Riprap | Completed | 2012 | 2012 | $5,300 | $1,325 | 75 | 0.1 | |
Cannonsville | McGibbon Hollow, Site 1 | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Riprap | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $15,575 | $3,894 | 60 | 0.16 | |
Cannonsville | McGibbon Hollow, Site 2 | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Stack Rock Wall | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $15,575 | $3,894 | 36 | 0.1 | |
Cannonsville | McGibbon Hollow, Site 3 | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Riprap | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $15,575 | $3,894 | 40 | 0.1 | |
Cannonsville | McGibbon Hollow, Site 4 | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Riprap | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $15,575 | $3,894 | 125 | 0.1 | |
Cannonsville | Swantak Farm CREP Bank Stabilization | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Kortright | Streambank Stabilization | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | DEP | No | Riprap of eroding bank allows 5.8 acres of CREP | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $34,821 | $34,821 | 60 | 0.1 | |
Cannonsville | Trout Creek, Pine Swamp Rd | Trout Creek | Delaware | Town of Tompkins | Streambank Stabilization | Town of Tompkins | DCSWCD | Contract | EWP | No | Stack Rock Wall | Completed | 2013 | 2012 | $63,777 | $27,063 | 150 | 0.1 | |
Cannonsville | West Branch Delaware at South Street | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Village of Walton | Streambank Stabilization | Delaware County | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Completed | 2008 | 0 | 550 | 0.15 | ||||
Cannonsville | West Branch Delaware at Terrace Avenue | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Village of Walton | Streambank Stabilization | Delaware County | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Costs include Terrace Ave and South Street construction and planting costs. Do not include design costs. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $871,216 | $149,361 | 850 | 1 | |
Cannonsville | Cummings Rd. Drainage and Stream clean up | Trout Creek | Delaware | Town of Masonville | Stormwater and Infrastructure | Town of Masonville | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Analysis of Stormwater issues and design, SMIP | Planned | 2011 | $25,000 | $25,000 | |||||
Cannonsville | Hydroseeder | Basin wide | Delaware | Multiple | Stormwater and Infrastructure | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Shared equipment between municipalities, SMIP | Active | 2010 | $97,755 | $97,755 | |||||
Cannonsville | Mallory Brook Culvert | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Stormwater and Infrastructure | Town of Hamden | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Culvert replacement | Completed | 2011 | 0 | $170,202 | $170,202 | 250 | 1 | ||
Cannonsville | Medium Hydraulic Structure Study | Basin wide | Delaware | Delaware County | Stormwater and Infrastructure | DPW | DCSWCD | Grant | USACOE | No | Analysis of Stormwater issues at culverts, SMIP | Active | 2011 | $347,997 | $197,996 | ||||
Cannonsville | Odell Lake Rd Ext. Culvert Replacement | Lake Brook | Delaware | Town of Harpersfield | Stormwater and Infrastructure | Town of Harpersfield | DCSWCD | Grant | Replacement of undersized culvert | Active | 2011 | $25,400 | |||||||
Cannonsville | ODell Late Rd Ditch Stabilization | Lake Brook | Delaware | Town of Harpersfield | Stormwater and Infrastructure | Town of Harpersfield | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Ditch erosion | Completed | 2011 | 0 | $29,008 | $29,008 | ||||
Cannonsville | Pines Brook Culvert Outfall | Pines Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Stormwater and Infrastructure | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Bank Failure | Completed | 2011 | 0 | $8,500 | $8,500 | ||||
Cannonsville | Purchase of 6 and 8" pumps | Basin wide | Delaware | Delaware County | Stormwater and Infrastructure | DPW | DCSWCD | Grant | No | DC DPW purchase of pumps for dewatering stream projects, SMIP | Completed | 2012 | 2011 | $130,652 | |||||
Cannonsville | Roses Brook, Roxbury Mountain Rd. Culvert | Rose Brook | Delaware | Town of Stamford | Stormwater and Infrastructure | Town of Stamford | DCSWCD | Grant | DEP | No | Culvert replacement, designed and built by DC DPW | Completed | 2012 | 2011 | $246,720 | $246,720 | 200 | 0.3 | |
Cannonsville | Launt Hollow, Post Flood Response Training Site | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Post-Flood Response | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | EPF-WQIP | Yes | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $28,900 | $14,450 | 1500 | 1 | ||
Cannonsville | West Brook, Post Flood Response Training Site | West Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Post-Flood Response | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | EPF-WQIP | Yes | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $28,000 | $14,000 | 1100 | 0.5 | ||
Cannonsville | Beech Hill JKW Removal | Pepacton Reservoir | Delaware | Town of Andes | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2012 | 2012 | In house | In house | 500 | 0.1 | ||||
Cannonsville | Beers Brook EWP Planting 1 | Beers Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Fancher, Peck | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of post construction 2007 EWP sites in Delaware County. Sites were constructed under EWP funding for 2006 flood event, and planted with live stakes, shrubs and trees. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | |||
Cannonsville | Beers Brook EWP Planting 2 | Beers Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Gregory | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | |||
Cannonsville | Beers Brook EWP Planting 3 | Beers Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Haggerty | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | |||
Cannonsville | Beers Brook, HW CSBI | Beers Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Haggerty/Withrow | DCSWCD | CSBI | No | Beers Brook | Completed | 2010 | 0 | $3,900 | $3,900 | 620 | 0.6 | ||
Cannonsville | Beers Brook, W CSBI | Beers Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Wacha | DCSWCD | CSBI | No | Beers Brook | Completed | 2010 | 0 | $6,000 | $6,000 | 540 | 0.35 | ||
Cannonsville | Budine Rd EWP | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Dailey | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $962 | In house | ||||
Cannonsville | Chambers Hollow EWP 1 | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Riparian Buffer Planting | Paraggio | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $962 | In house | ||||
Cannonsville | Chambers Hollow EWP 2 | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Riparian Buffer Planting | Paraggio | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $962 | In house | ||||
Cannonsville | Chambers Hollow EWP 3 | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Riparian Buffer Planting | Laird | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $962 | In house | ||||
Cannonsville | Chambers Hollow EWP 4 | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Riparian Buffer Planting | Laird | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $962 | In house | ||||
Cannonsville | Chambers Hollow EWP 5 | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Riparian Buffer Planting | Wilcox | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $962 | In house | ||||
Cannonsville | Delaware Avenue-Cobbe | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Village of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2012 | 2012 | $3,890 | $3,890 | 140 | 0.1 | ||||
Cannonsville | DPW Wetland JKW Control | East Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Village of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2012 | 2012 | In house | In house | 150 | 0.1 | |||||
Cannonsville | East Platner JKW Removal | East Platner Brook | Delaware | Town of Middletown | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2012 | 2012 | In house | In house | 100 | 0.06 | ||||
Cannonsville | Floodplain Restoration at West Brook | West Brook | Delaware | Village of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2011 | 2011 | $6,400 | $6,400 | 500 | 0.4 | |||||
Cannonsville | Herzog Farm EWP Planting, | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Herzog | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | 220 | ||
Cannonsville | Little Delaware River, D CSBI | Little Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Bovina | Riparian Buffer Planting | Dougherty | DCSWCD | CSBI | No | Little Delaware River | Completed | 2010 | 0 | $7,990 | $7,990 | 1250 | 1.7 | ||
Cannonsville | Little Delaware River, H CSBI | Little Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Bovina | Riparian Buffer Planting | Hetterich | DCSWCD | CSBI | No | Little Delaware River- bank grade,hydroseed, brushmat | Completed | 2010 | 0 | $16,980 | $16,980 | 870 | 1.5 | ||
Cannonsville | Little Delaware River, I CSBI | Little Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Bovina | Riparian Buffer Planting | Inman | DCSWCD | CSBI | No | Trib to Brush Brook- bank grading, tire and barn debris removal | Completed | 2010 | 0 | $15,230 | $15,230 | 650 | 0.65 | ||
Cannonsville | Little Delaware River, M CSBI | Little Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Bovina | Riparian Buffer Planting | Mullin | DCSWCD | CSBI | No | Trib to Brush Brook | Completed | 2010 | 0 | $4,050 | $4,050 | 650 | 1.7 | ||
Cannonsville | Lower Third Brook EWP Planting 1 | Third Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | 1075 | |||
Cannonsville | Lower Third Brook EWP Planting 2 | Third Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,497 | In house | 70 | |||
Cannonsville | East Platner Brook, PM CSBI | East Platner Brook | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | DCSWCD | CSBI | 150 live stakes | Completed | 2011 | 2011 | $6,428 | In house | 500 | 1.2 | ||||
Cannonsville | Middlemist Rd EWP | Platner Brook | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | Michel, Garrett | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2009 | 0 | $962 | In house | ||||
Cannonsville | Oxbow Hollow EWP Planting | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Campoli, Bartunek | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | |||
Cannonsville | Peakes Brook, CSBI | Peakes Brook | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2012 | 2012 | $7,425 | $7,425 | 800 | 0.75 | ||||
Cannonsville | Phoenix Farm EWP Planting, | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Riparian Buffer Planting | Phoenix | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | 1350 | ||
Cannonsville | Pines Brook EWP Planting 1 | Pines Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Bartlett, McLachlan | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | |||
Cannonsville | Pines Brook EWP Planting 2 | Pines Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Schneider | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | |||
Cannonsville | Pines Brook EWP Planting 3 | Pines Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Whiteside | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | |||
Cannonsville | Pines Brook, SS CSBI | Pines Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Spencer/Schneider | DCSWCD | CSBI | No | Pines Brook | Completed | 2010 | 0 | $2,739 | $2,739 | 400 | 0.35 | ||
Cannonsville | Mallory Brook, RS CSBI | Mallory Brook | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Riparian Buffer Planting | DCSWCD | CSBI | 600 live stakes | Completed | 2011 | 2011 | $8,450 | In house | 670 | 1 | ||||
Cannonsville | Steele Brook, K | Steele Brook | Delaware | Village of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | Kolodziej | DCSWCD | Contract | CWC | No | Steele Brook | Completed | 2010 | 0 | In house | In house | |||
Cannonsville | SUNY Delhi OEC JKW Removal | Little Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2012 | 2012 | In house | In house | 400 | 0.2 | ||||
Cannonsville | SUNY Delhi Outdoor Education Center | Little Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | DCSWCD | CSBI | Live Stakes Installed | Completed | 2011 | 2011 | In house | In house | 1100 | 2.5 | ||||
Cannonsville | Trib to Little Delaware, D CSBI | Little Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2012 | 2012 | $7,334 | $7,334 | 540 | 0.18 | |||||
Cannonsville | Upper East Brook EWP Planting | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Bundy | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | |||
Cannonsville | Upper East Brook EWP Planting | East Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | Hafele | DCSWCD | Contract | WRDA | No | Planting of EWP sites with trees/shrubs and live stakes. Plant materials and planting costs paid for by ACOE WRDA funds. | Completed | 2008 | 0 | $2,498 | In house | |||
Cannonsville | West Branch Delaware, K CSBI | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | Kudrewicz | DCSWCD | CSBI | No | Glen Burnie Creek & West Branch Delaware River | Completed | 2010 | 0 | $4,239 | $4,239 | 560 | 0.2 | ||
Cannonsville | West Branch Delaware, O CSBI | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | O'Dell | DCSWCD | CSBI | No | Marvin Hollow Stream | Completed | 2010 | 0 | $4,643 | $4,643 | 800 | 0.37 | ||
Cannonsville | West Brook Restoration, OS CSBI | West Brook | Delaware | Town of Walton | Riparian Buffer Planting | DCSWCD | CSBI | Also Invasive Species Control and Stream Stabilization. 1300 Live stakes, fascines, brush mattressing | Completed | 2011 | 2011 | $19,537 | In house | 2600 | 4 | ||||
Cannonsville | Walton School Gravel Study | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Village of Walton | Education and Outreach | Walton Central School District | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Student study of sediment transport in Village streams | Active | 2011 | $9,000 | ||||||
Cannonsville | Floodplain Restoration at West Brook | West Brook | Delaware | Village of Walton | Floodplain Restoration | Village of Walton | DCSWCD | Contract | Removal of fill on 3 acres. | Completed | 2011 | 2009 | $98,395 | $98,395 | 500 | 3 | |||
Cannonsville | NYS Rt 206 Bridge, Floodplain study (LFA) | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Village of Walton | Hazard Mitigation | Village of Walton | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Flood hydraulic analysis and planning for mitigation, SMIP | Active | 2011 | $194,800 | $194,800 | |||||
Cannonsville | USGS -V. Delhi Flood Inundation Mapping | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Village of Delhi | Hazard Mitigation | Village of Delhi | USGS | Grant | USGS | No | Mapping of flood depths at various flow stages for village, SMIP | Completed | 2012 | 2011 | $32,000 | $16,000 | |||
Cannonsville | Boat Launch, Fitches Covered Bridge | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Recreation | Town of Delhi | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Funds to design a boat launch near covered bridge in East Delhi, SMIP | Active | 2011 | $12,000 | ||||||
Cannonsville | Boat Launch, Hamden Covered Bridge | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Recreation | Town of Hamden | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Funds to design a boat launch near covered bridge in Hamden, SMIP | Active | 2011 | $5,000 | ||||||
Cannonsville | Boat Launch, Hoyt Park | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Village of Delhi | Recreation | Village of Delhi | DCSWCD | Grant | No | Funds to design boat launch in Hoyt Park, SMIP | Active | 2011 | $12,000 | ||||||
Cannonsville | Town of Walton River Access | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Walton | Recreation | Town of Walton | DCSWCD | Grant | NYS DOT | No | Improved canoe/kayak access at DOT pull off in Walton, SMIP | Active | 2011 | $12,000 | $12,000 | ||||
Cannonsville | Village of Delhi River Walk | West Branch Delaware River | Delaware | Village of Delhi | Recreation | Village of Delhi | DCSWCD | Grant | Parks | No | Funds to design a river walk near Hoyt Park in Delhi, SMIP | Active | 2011 | $49,750 | $39,750 | ||||
Cannonsville | Bagley Brook, K. | Kalibat | Bagley Brook | Delaware | Town of Hamden | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2013 | 2013 | 10,498.00 | 10498 | 420 | 1 | |||
Cannonsville | Roses Brook, D. | Doyle | Roses Brook | Delaware | Town of Stamford | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2013 | 2013 | 25,100.00 | 25100 | 900 | 1 | |||
Cannonsville | SUNY Delhi Outdoor Education Center | SUNY Delhi Outdoor Education Center | Little Delaware River | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2013 | 2013 | 1,530.00 | 1530 | 1750 | 2 | |||
Cannonsville | East Platner Brook, IS.P. Control | Michel, Peter_IS Control | East Platner Brook | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2013 | 2013 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 0 | |||
Cannonsville | Trib to Little Delaware, D. | Trib to Little Delaware - Dipalma | Trib to Little Delaware | Delaware | Town of Delhi | Riparian Buffer Planting | NYCDEP | DCSWCD | CSBI | Completed | 2013 | 2013 | 824 | 824 | 300 | 0 | |||