Chestnut Creek Stream Management Plan

Volume I – Reference Manual

Complete Stream Management Plan (17MB)

Sections One and Two (1.3 MB) (For more detailed information see table of contents)
Including: Foreward, Acknowledgments, Table of Contents, List of Figures and Tables, Introduction, Purpose and Goals and Objectives of Plan, Guide to Using this Stream Management Plan, Methodology used to Accomplish Goals and Project Partners

Section Three (862 KB)
Including: Introduction to Stream Processes and Ecology, Streams 101, Stream and Riparian Ecology, Stream Morphology and Classification, Applying the Science of Stream Form and Function to Stream Management

Section Four
Chestnut Creek Watershed Description: Community History and Current Conditions (1 MB)

Physical Stream and Valley Characteristics

Geology (1.3 MB)
Hydrology and Flood History and Riparian Vegetation Issues in Stream Management (1.1 MB)
Water Quality and Ecological Health and Public Infrastructure Concerns and Interests (423 KB)
Glossary of Terms and Appendices (Chestnut Creek Landowner Survey, 2001, Landowner Survey Results, Chestnut Creek News meeting minutes (1.7 MB)

Volume 2 – Field Manual: Management Units, Resources and Recommendations

Section One (For more detailed information see table of contents) (876 KB)
Including: Forward, Acknowledgements, Table of Contents, List of Figures and Tables Chestnut Creek Stream Management Unit Description Overview

Section Two
Including: Stream Stewardship Recommendations (862 KB)

Section Three through Six
Including: Amending and Updating the Plan, Stream Related Activities and Permit Requirements, Funding Sources, Agency Contacts and Glossary of Terms (352 KB)

Section Seven

1. Stream Assessment 2001 summary of Stream Type data and Draft Watershed Assessment Protocol, NYCDEP (298 KB)
2. PAC Project Site ranking questionnaire and PAC Project Site ranking results (483 KB)
3. Chestnut Creek Demonstration Restoration Project Site Report, Chestnut Creek Demonstration Restoration Project Site Planting Plan and Eroded Bank specifications and Riparian Buffer Monitoring Plan for the Town Hall Demonstration Restoration Site (3.2 MB)

Chestnut Creek Stream Management Unit Descriptions

Management Unit 1 (1.4 MB)
Management Unit 2 (956 KB)
Management Unit 3 (1.3 MB)
Management Unit 4 (1.6 MB)
Management Unit 5 (1.6 MB)
Management Unit 6 (1.9 MB)
Management Unit 7 (2.0 MB)
Management Unit 8 (1.8 MB)
Management Unit 9 and MUs for Unsurveyed Tributaries to Chestnut Creek (1.5 MB)